
Dock Ellis

These mini-comics tell the story of Dock Ellis, famous for many things, but mostly for pitching a no-hitter on LSD. He has been immortalized before. This was my attempt.

That wide panel is a splash page in the middle of the book. This comic was made last semester in Surabhi Ghosh's class. The assignment was to write a historical comic.

There is no title to this comic. The covers are made of Thai marbled paper and colored rice paper. There's a window cut out of both covers, creating a frame around the lines, "She said, 'What's wrong with you?' He said, 'I'm high as a Georgia pine.'" It's a nice effect because the color of the rice paper matches some of the swirls in the marbled paper, and the look like they blend together a little bit; the rice paper is also slightly transparent, so after you turn the first cover page, you can see the shadows of emergent words.


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